Sunday, July 02, 2006

This is it. My last night in San Diego as a resident. My belongings are all in storage, my suitcases are packed and tomorrow at 12:35 I board a plane for the east coast. I have been contemplating how I feel about all of this all day. It's not really sad. San Diego has never been "home". It's just been a place where I lived, worked, went to school, and played. But it wasn't home. That's not to say I won't miss it, but it's really about the people I've met here and not the place itself.

The only place that's ever seemed like home was New York. When I moved there in 1998, I immediately knew that I was where I was supposed to be. It was a hot, beautiful September morning and I had driven all night. I pulled up in front of my new apartment and said this is it...I am home. And I knew it. I am hoping I have the same experience this time.

So I said goodbye to the few people that are still in town today. Saw a play several of my friends worked on. Met B.Y. for drinks at Bourbon Street. Went out for appetizers with A.N., J.T., L.P., and C.A. And now it's time for bed.

So when I talk to you guys tomorrow night I'll be in Maine and it'll be the beginning of my life on the east coast.

Have a great Sunday.

1 comment:

Ur-spo said...

good luck on your move 'home'. Any move is a big thing but cross country sounds even bigger.
One of the 5 aspects of mental health is 'you like where you live'. I am glad you have that now.