Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I am here. After months and months of planning, I arrived in New York today. Of course it would be great if it was as easy as that. But my whole afternoon/evening was a little screwed up and rushed because my plane was two hours late. Not only was it late, but at one point we were diverted to another airport on Long Island where we landed refueled and then sat on the runway for 45 minutes waiting to take off. I wouldn't have really cared except that I hate the take off and having to do it twice today for a 55 minute flight is bit much.

So I got here 2 hours late and then was picked up by the world worst driver working for the worlds worst limo company. I highly recommend not using Mirage Limousine Service in Manhattan if you don't have to. Because of the flight being late they charged me $171 to get into Manhattan. Luckily for me it was charged to my friend M.L. but he's going to freak when he gets the bill.

I got home dumped my stuff in my new apartment, grabbed a Diet Coke from the fridge (gotta love my new roommate) and headed down to Time Square to meet S.H. from San Diego and see Sweeney Todd. I had a great time, drank too many beers before the show, which was great, ate dinner at a diner and then went to one of my favorite piano bars in NYC where I serenaded S.H. I didn't last long. The woman at the piano was talking more than she was playing and I was tired so I walked S.H. to her train. Walked to my train and headed home.

I was a little disappointed tonight to learn that the Christopher Street Bookstore had closed. I walked by tonight contemplating stopping in for a little R and R but as I rounded the corner I discovered that not only is it closed the entire building is under renovation. It's not like I really needed to go there tonight, it's more about the fact that it's part of my history of living here and like everything the city changes. Not for the better. Not for the worse. It just changes.


Ur-spo said...

Welcome home!
I hope your NYC life is a good one.
It's bittersweet to come home to something familiar to find things have changed. I think we hope that nothing is touched while we are away. Try to make NYC a 'new place' rather than recreate what was.
And keep us posted on it all!

PJS said...

ooh! which piano bar is your favorite? By the neighborhood I'm guessing maybe Duplex? Marie's Crisis?

I worship... WORSHIP... Don't Tell Mama's on 46th and 9th. It gets touristy, but the talent is unrivaled anywhere.

When I first moved here (aeons ago), nobody told me to pronounce the street "HOW-ston" instead of "Houston" (like the Texas city). In that giving spirit, brother to brother, I want you to know that it's actually TIMES Square, formerly "Longacre Square", but renamed for the New York Times newspaper.