Friday, July 07, 2006

M.M. was supposed to work tonight but got her shift covered this morning. I'd tell you what she does, but she'd cut off my balls and feed them to me and then where would I be. Kind of interesting that she doesn't mind me showing pictures of her in drag but doesn't want people to know what she does.

She didn't get home until late and then lesbian friends came over to get power tools. It was kind of scary. All those drills and hammers and things. You could do real damage if you didn't know what you were doing. So once they had gathered their tools, we headed out to dinner. Now, I wish I remember where we went for chow cause it was great. The food was delicious and even better were the margaritas. And were they ever strong. I had one and a half and I am still feeling the effects three hours later.

The best part of the evening though was getting to spend time with M.M. and her girlfriend L.M. M.M. and I have known each other for 11 years this month. And we have had lots of adventures together. She has sat with me thru 2.5 break-ups. Dealt with me getting arrested (a story for another time), gone to Europe with me twice, driven cross country with me twice, visited me in San Diego, Cincinnati, and New York, loaned me money, yelled at me when I needed it (the Grand Canyon doesn't count) and been there for me whenever I have needed it. She has always been supportive and loving and if she's judgmental she's never shown it. We talk about everything. From why our families are insane to why we can't marry our spouses.

Tonight we shared many of these stories with L.M. Although they have been together for three years, because of our schedules and L.M.'s fear of flying, L.M. and I have only met face to face once before. She is a great person, and I think she realizes how lucky she is to have M.M in her life, which makes me happy cause I love M.M. more than life itself. So tonight M.M. and I shared stories with L.M. from our past. The story of getting kicked out of a hotel in Paris for coming in drunk. The night M.M.'s ex-girlfriend decided to confide in me that she hated gay men and all they stood for. Our experience visiting the nations/worlds? tallest cross. Our one and only fight that took place in the Grand Canyon after we were out of water and panicking about getting out of the place alive. Our landlord (how we met) that we both took to court to get our deposits back and how the judge laughed at him even though he was an attorney.

I could bore you with more. But tonight at dinner we shared these stories with L.M. and reminded each other why it is we love one another. She is one of the most beautiful, giving, wonderful people that I have ever met and I count myself lucky each day that she is my friend.

So when I finally let her read this I want her to know how much I love her and how glad I am she talked me into coming to Portland before I moved to Maine.

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