Saturday, January 27, 2007

I did a kind of stupid thing this week. Something that explains why I haven't posted much this week. When I got to Iowa, I realized how small my little town is, and that the chances of meeting anyone is going to be impossible. So I posted ads on a couple of websites. Unfortunately, I responded to a couple of the ads from my maddoginthecity email address. I thought nothing about it. One particular person and I had been emailing back and forth when he admitted that he had discovered my blog. Uh. Oh. Looking back on it it was probably not a good idea to use that email address, but I didn't want to use my real one because it consists of my real name. I like being anonymous on here. I like feeling like I can talk about what I want without any real consequences. Now I feel like I can't. I feel as if anything I say might get back to people who now know me. Did I mention this particular guy works at the same college I work at. So now I can't tell you about the people I work with, the students in my class, nor the projects I am working on. When you live in a town of 9,000 people that doesn't leave much else to talk about. So I am in a quandary. Do I just continue to post and not worry about this person? Do I edit my posts for the next 4 months? Do I stop posting until I leave Iowa? What to do, what to do? I wasn't even sure I should talk about this here, but you guys out there have a large collective amount of experience in the blog world. So give me some advice. What should I do?

Of course in the meantime, I won't answer anymore ads with my Maddog address. I'll come up with some anonymous address to use to try and maintain some anonymity until I am ready to tell these people who I am.


chumly said...

Blog on. Post what you might say in normal conversation, or ideas you have. It takes a special person like you to post stuff. Me I don't care, it is fun for me and thank you. Good Post! I have thought this when I first started to post.

Cincy Diva said...

Well you could always marry him then you would be protected by spousal privilege...oh wait...we can't do that yet...Never mind. Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Just keep posting... just not about him... and who really cares, you will be gone in 4 months... if they dont like it... tough

Donnie said...

I would just continue to post on your blog like normal. I wouldn't censor a thing. My advice, however, would be to get a free email address that you use solely for responding to ads and such....keep that part of your life compartmentalized...

Ur-spo said...

the joys of living in a smaller town.
So far the advice is to be true and it seems sensible. this is a short time jig so tell it like it is.

BriteYellowGun said...

In the beginning of my blogging days, I posted very personal stuff. Then as I felt like I was getting to actually "Know" my regular readers, I subconsciously began to hold back on that. Now, I post very little that's personal. I think it's unavoidable really...either you worry about being "discovered" as you were or you feel like your readers have "discovered" you. Small town or big city, you post on the internet and anyone can find it. Do what you think is best for you I guess.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the consensus - now is a good time to really try things on now - leave out the names and go forward! Your blog has always been up front, professional and sincere... who could possibly have a problem with that? Just don't let it effect or interfer with work - while this is a short time gig, it is also a reference, a steppings stone and time chunk on your resume'... but you are always up front and kind - so I don't think you have a thing to worry about!