Friday, August 11, 2006

I was all prepared to blog about being blank tonight. I have thought all day and it's been a constant zip, nada, nothing. So I sat down tonight to read my blogs. It kind of feels like watching my stories, which my mom called soap operas when I was young. I had been reading for about 15 minutes or so when A.N. instant messaged me and said hello. Then C.D. Then M.L. That was over an hour ago and I am still chatting with A.N.

Which leads me to my post tonight. I HATE IMing. I hate it. It takes so much time and unfortunately I can't do anything else while I am typing. I can't read other sites, I can't watch t.v. I can't talk on the phone. The minute I try to do anything else I get distracted and both things suffer. The part that gets me the most though is that for the most part I would love it if you just picked up the phone and called me. The conversation would take half as long, you could discuss more, you don't have to worry about misunderstandings and I get to hear your voice.

Don't get me wrong. There are a lot of good things about IM'ing. If it's a quick question. Or you don't have a cell signal. Or your just saying hello. But that's about it. Just call me.

That's my rant for the evening. I wouldn't be so pissy, except that it's 12:40 and I wanted to be in bed an hour ago and I suppose I couldn't have just ended the conversations, it's just that with the time difference I don't get to talk with my friends in San Diego nearly as much as I would like to. Which is the point. I called A.N. today. Couldn't she have just called me back? But I love her anyway and as my friend D.T. always says, "You can sleep when your dead."


Anonymous said...

I am the TOTAL opposite of you. I always tell people either e-mail me or IM me. I hate talking on the phone. It drives me crazy. I can't do anything else when I'm on the phone.

Ur-spo said...

I agree with you;
Happily I don't know how to IM.
IM sounds sort of impolite; imagine if you were having a face to face conversation and some one comes right up into it and starts talking?

Larry said...

IMing is a pain in the ass. That's why I only do it with a couple people that hate phones, and I always keep myself in stealth mode to keep from being innundated by side conversations.

A Bear in the Woods said...

I gotta admit, I dislike phones. We had a home business when I was growing up, and I had to learn to do budiness over the phone as a little kid. I realize now just how unusual that was. But for me, IM'ing is more fun, but only one at a time, please.