Saturday, August 26, 2006

I didn't post yesterday. I forgot to tell you I wasn't going to post yesterday. But I have a good excuse. I went to Fire Island. My friend A.L. who has a share out there this summer decided that it was not good that I had never been to Fire Island and so I met him at Penn Station yesterday afternoon and we took care of my virginity. My Fire Island virginity that is.

I won't bore you with all the details, there's not much to report. We spent yesterday afternoon walking, around had lunch, then napped by the pool. Woke up chatted for a while, went to Cherry Grove for dinner. Walked back along the beach. Watched a Marlene Dietrich movie. Went to bed. Got up. Drank three pots of coffee watching it rain. Had lunch. Then I caught the ferry back to civilization. Okay, so I did bore you with the details. But as I said there wasn't much to report. No frolicking with boys on the beach. No frolicking with boys at tea. No frolicking with boys in the Meat Rack. Basically no frolicking. Ah, what happened to the good ole days?

1 comment:

Ur-spo said...

Fire Island!
I've heard so many rumors and legends about this enchanted place; made more so by the works of Ethan Morden.
So, it ain't true? What a dissapointment.
STill, someday I want to see it.