Thursday, December 28, 2006

A couple of weeks ago, Daniel wrote a post in defense of Sear's decision to advertise on Logo, the gay channel. Part of the post was a request to go to the American Family Association website and instead of doing as they asked write positive letter to Sears. I thought it was the least that I could do, and so I did it. When I hit the send button to forward the email, I was asked for basic contact information. Things like my name, city, and email address. I gave them the information and my email was sent.

I knew a few moments later that I had been registered to receive email notifications from AFA, but I didn't think much about it. Today I got my first email. It's a thank you email for supporting their boycott against Ford for supporting the gay agenda. Here's the body of the email.

December 27, 2006

Please help us get this information into the hands of as many people as possible by forwarding it to your entire email list of family and friends.

New: Update on Ford Boycott

Loses sales ... begins supporting another homosexual magazine ... refuses to stay neutral ... sponsors 'Two and a Half Men' ... urges support of homosexual marriage, stem cell research, and abortion

Dear Maddog,

The boycott of Ford Motor Company is beginning to take effect. In November, Ford sales were down 9.7%. General Motors showed a 6.1% increase during the same month while Chrysler sales were up 4.7%. In seven of the nine months since AFA began the boycott, because of the motor company's support for the homosexual agenda - including homosexual marriage, Ford's sales have gone down compared to a year ago.

Ford has long supported the homosexual magazine, The Advocate. Now, Ford has expanded their promotion of homosexual publications by supporting the homosexual publication Out through advertising.

Wal-Mart recently announced they would no longer support or oppose controversial issues. Ford originally made a similar pledge to AFA but reneged when a small group of homosexual leaders demanded retraction, despite the fact that not a single homosexual group has publicly supported Ford.

Ford was a sponsor of a recent episode of CBS's program "Two and a Half Men" in which actor Charlie Sheen's character mocked Christ, Christmas and Christians by singing a sordid sex song to the tune of "Joy To The World."

During the recent elections, Ford pointed their employees to a radical left wing online voter guide for information on how to vote. The website that contained the guide urged votes against constitutional amendments banning homosexual marriage, for stem cell research in Missouri and against an amendment banning abortion in South Dakota.

Take Action

1. If you have not already done so, click here to sign the Boycott Ford Pledge. More than 625,000 have already signed the pledge. For a history of the boycott, visit

2. Click here to send an email to new Ford CEO Alan R. Mulally letting him know you are participating in the boycott.

3. Forward this email to your friends and family who may not be aware of Ford's support for the homosexual agenda.

4. Click here to print and distribute the Boycott Ford Petition.

If you think our efforts are worthy, would you please support us with a small gift? Thank you for caring enough to get involved.


Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association

P.S. Please forward this e-mail message to your family and friends!

I am doing as they ask. I am forwarding this to as many people as I can through my blog. You know what to do. Go to the AFA's website and send Ford a message praising them for the courage to support the "gay agenda." Then provide the information requested so that you can be kept up-to-date as to what's being done against us.

If they only knew.


Anonymous said...

I have signed and sent a letter - thanks for posting this Maddog - important things like this need to be out there for people to hear about and act on!

BriteYellowGun said...

As they say...keep your enemies close!

Cincy Diva said...

"Supports two and a half Men"??

Wow...for a gay show, they sure do sleep with an awful lot of women!

Bruce said...

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I'll write letters of support directly to Sears and Ford. If we go through the AFA, we get on their mailing list and are counted as supporters even though we wrte letters with protest content.

A Bear in the Woods said...

Way to go, Maddog.
I'll follow through, too.
That letter from Wildmon you quoted is so ugly.