Sunday, December 24, 2006

Because stealing at Christmas is so much fun, I helped myself to a meme over at Spo-Reflections who had stolen it earlier in the day. I promise to return it when I am finished.

1. What do you hate most about Christmas? The tourists in NYC. There are about 50 million more people in the city right now than normal. In two weeks the place will be a ghost town.

2. What is your least favorite piece of Christmas music?
Here we come a Wassailing....what the fuck is wassailing? Does anyone know?

3. Your least favorite Christmas decoration?
The Christmas balls that are plastic covered in colored thread. I HATE them. Buy glass balls. The don't cost any more and I like them better. And it is all about me, isn't it?

4. Your least favorite Christmas treat?
I HATE egg-nog. Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! Bourbon Balls on the other hand....Yum! Yum! Yum!

5. What traditional Christmas food OTHER THAN FRUITCAKE (too easy) is best sent down the garbage disposal?
My mother's jam cake. Everyone loves it, but I have always hated it. I like the caramel icing but hate the cake.

6. Which animated Christmas TV special leaves you wanting to rip the wallpaper off of the walls?
Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol. I never liked any of the Magoo cartoons, especially the Christmas Carol.

7. What was you least favorite Christmas gift ever?
My brother gave me two LARGE screwdrivers one year. And that was all. I did a double take and said thank you. I don't know what he was thinking. I still have them, but they are too big to use for anything.

8. What is your least favorite Christmas activity?
Undecorating. I love putting up the tree. I HATE taking it down. I'm really hoping that my roommate will lead the charge in doing this.

9. Who on your Christmas gift list is the hardest to shop for?
My mother. When we were children she would say she wanted, "just for you kids to be good."
As an adult, "just for you to come home." I can't wrap that up and put it under the tree, which leaves me guessing and I never know what to get her.

10. How would you spend this time of year if you were not caught up in all of the holiday madness?
This year to save money I decided to not go home. It was going to cost almost 800 bucks for a ticket in to Lexington and if I go two weeks later it's half that. So I am going two weeks later. So this year, I am going to order Chinese delivery and curl up on the couch and watch the Hallmark channel all day. The have terribly sappy movies that you hate to admit you like. And if I get really lonely I might venture out to see a movie. But probably not. I can hardly wait.


Will said...

Wassailing is drinking things like Christmas punch. You might be fonder of this activity than you think!

Spider said...

Sounds like we are doing the same thing for Christmas - I have already called my Chinese delivery place to make sure they will be open. For me it will be a good book and the pup... I am really looking forward to it!

btw - the comment problem on my wordpress blog has been taken care of... comment away!

Joel said...

Thanks for all yoru great comments and support. I am with ya tonight. Well Joel is here but my kids are at their mom's which always makes me a little sad. I had no idea you were from Lexington...that is only a few hours from here!

Anyway...enjoy your movie day!

Ur-spo said...

I've often wonder what 'the natives' thought of all us tourists coming into town to see the sights!
I agree on the EggNog...