Monday, June 26, 2006

Do you know the only thing worse than being hung over? Feeling hung over without the fun of getting drunk. I didn't get to bed until after 6 a.m. this morning. I would love to say it involved lots of alcohol and well hung men but the truth is it didn't.

I stayed up talking to my friend J.T. the most innocent, naive girl in the world. For her the world is always sunshine and lollipops. Sometimes so much so it annoys you but not last night.

J.T. is a stage manager and is currently working on a production here in San Diego. The show has been going terribly for a number of reasons. Of course this has nothing to do with the leading lady, who is on stage for 98% of the show not knowing her lines, her blocking, sometimes that she's even on stage. It's also not because the director is an absolute bitch that everyone involved on the show hates. Nope, the play being terrible has nothing to do with these two things.

So last night I invited J.T. over to have a gin and tonic, (her favorite) and eat ice cream, and watch High School Musical. J.T. is the only person I know who would actually be willing to commit an evening to watching this movie. First off, it's a musical and most of my friends think that musicals are the death of theatre. And second, it's a Disney Musical so NO ONE is going to watch that.

So we gathered in front of the t.v. and started. We laughed, we cried and had a blast. The movie is not very long but we kept rewinding the DVD to make sure that what we thought we saw, actually happened. The movie is filled in inaccuracies and moments of complete and total disbelief. And yet, we watched and watched and watched. Unable to turn our eyes, kind of like driving by a car accident. The only way the movie could have been better is if we had watched the sing-a-long version instead of the normal version.

After the movie, I convinced J.T. that having another cocktail would be great idea and she could just crash on the sofa. And then we started talking, and talking, and talking. We talked about her family. We talked about the physical pain that is caused to me when I witness any kind of unfaithfulness, even in a movie. We talked about how we all know our friends T.O. and A.N. are sleeping together and yet no one is supposed to know. Especially, since T.O. has a girlfriend in Pennsylvania. We talked about school. We talked and talked. And 5:30 I finally told her that I had to go to bed.

And to bed I went. The big mistake I made was not turning off the ringer to my phone before I went to sleep. Because I had no more than dozed off when the phone calls started. S.H., A.C., J.M. (who annoyed me by not leaving a message). So I finally dragged my ass out of bed to listen to my messages, return my calls and try to start my day. I did this three times before I actually got out of bed for good.

So now it's 11 p.m. and I feel exhausted, hung over, and beaten up. And yet I wouldn't trade last night for the world. I only have a few more nights left in San Diego and I am trying to enjoy them with friends as much as I can. To make the most of them. Live life to the fullest. I don't always succeed but I am doing my best. This time next week I'll be in Portland, Maine and my time in San Diego will be nothing but memories. Okay I am getting sappy and stupid. I am going to bed.

See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love evenings/nights like that! But you're right, the morning after is not quite as good! GBD